Do you think your problem is too big for us? Let us assure you, we’ve practically seen it all. To give you an idea of what we have encountered and overcome, please have a look at the following testimonials.

Note that since no company wants to have their struggles made public, even if their problems have been since resolved, names have been withdrawn to respect the confidentiality of our clients. Naturally, the same care and discretion shall be granted to you when you come to see us.

Client’s testimonials

“As a startup, we had no controller, and it showed, because everything was out of control. We were so busy with developing our products and building our client base that paperwork was an afterthought. It got to the point where we had no idea what our financial affairs looked like and could get no one in the company to look at them because everyone was up to their necks in some other crucial task. So we finally decided that enough was enough and turned to TFCI, which a buddy of mine told me about. All I can say is, that at first we received quite a rude awakening for our bookkeeping neglect. Off the bat, TFCI discovered that the government removed us from their registry for not filing returns, technically closing us down without us even knowing it! Needless to say, we had a lot of lessons to learn about the day-to-day details of maintaining our business. TFCI took care of our most pressing issues and educated us on how to stay out of trouble from now on! So it is with much gratitude and enthusiasm that I’m writing this for them to spread the good word, just like my buddy did to me. Thanks again guys!”

“I started my business five years ago and proceeded to take every wrong turn and make every rookie mistake known to man. Before I knew it, my credit rating was busted and I couldn’t get any loans. Staring bankruptcy in the face, I visited TFCI with my last hope. From the very first meeting with them, I had regained the entrepreneurial optimism that had abandoned me. They had a system to organize the mess I made and asked all the good questions to give me a perspective and a plan I would have never come up with on my own. Now my rating is on the mend and I am on my way to profit and growth. I give full credit to TFCI for turning my business around and preventing my first rough few years in it from ruining the rest of my life!”

“Movies are my passion. Numbers were my pain. When I started my company, I had visions of bringing my stories to life, not sitting around behind a desk staring at a bunch of statements all day. And so, whenever such a paper would come in the mail, I would resist it, and without even opening it, dump it in a box and think to myself, ‘Yeah yeah, LATER.’ Of course, ‘LATER’ would never come, and wouldn’t you know it, eventually my box was full and I was overwhelmed.”

“With my dream career on the line, I gathered the courage to contact TFCI and brought them my embarrassingly stuffed ‘LATER box’ of untouched mail. To my shock, they took it all in stride, and even joked to me later about how it took them two hours alone just to open the mail! Thankfully, my mail avoidance wasn’t fatal to my studio, although I did need to visit the bank several times and force myself to stare at a lot of numbers. But this time around, TFCI were there with me to make sense of it all, and to help me realize that with a little practice and patience, the paperwork is not that painful after all! Thanks to their tips, I have gained confidence in managing my finances, which gives me the peace of mind to fully enjoy what I love doing. If you were thinking of contacting them, don’t think any longer. Just call!”